Wednesday 12 September 2012

Science Fact : The Higgs boson

  Image courtesy of CERNland

picture: The Large Hadron Collider at CERN

On Wednesday, 4th of July, there was a buzz in the world of science when physicists at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland announced that they had found the God particle! For those who don’t know, CERN is the world’s biggest particle physics laboratory and it stands for Conseil Européen pour la Recherche Nucléaire in French. In English, it is known as the European Organization for Nuclear Research. If you’re confused because you’ve heard about the Higgs particle or Higgs boson at the same time they announced the discovery of the God particle, they are all actually the same thing! 

What is it? 
 The Higgs particle is a proposed elementary particle in the Standard Model of particle physics.  Why is it called the Higgs particle? In 1962, Peter Higgs predicted the existence of this particle because physicists at that time were wondering, “How does Nature decide whether or not to give mass to particles?”. Particles are what everything in the universe is made of, the same way DNA or deoxyribonucleic acid, is the very thing that all living things are made of. Understanding how they get their mass and why a few of them do not have mass will help us understand how Nature and the universe work. This discovery is just like the discovery of DNA or the theory of relativity to the world. It is the most fundamental discovery in the world of physics because it explains everything in that subject.

Why is it so important to scientists? 
That’s because without the Higgs particle there would be no mass. Without mass there would be no stars, no planets and no atoms and definitely no human beings! If the Higgs particle did not exist, then most of what physicists think they know about the universe would be wrong.  So it does affect the whole universe but it definitely isn’t God particle, because it does NOT explain creation!

How did they discover it? 
It was discovered using the Large Hadron Collider, a giant machine at CERN which sends protons round a ring 27km in circumference in opposite directions at almost the speed of light so they will collide head on with enormous energy! When this happens, the energy is converted into other particles, which then decay into even more particles until they find what they are looking for. 
Scientists around the world have been looking for this particle for fifty years and now they have discovered it. But the mysteries of the universe are far from being solved. There are many more puzzles to be untwisted by scientists and this is just the beginning of a new chapter in physics!

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