Tuesday 11 September 2012

Science Experiment : Speed Boat

What you need:
Dry cell
Electric motor
Corrugated plastic
Double sided tape
Screw driver
Battery holder
Wire stripper
PVC tape

What to do:

  1. Design the boat’s body with your own creativity.
  2. Connect the wire to one of the electric motor terminal.
  3. After that, connect the other end of the wire to the switch.
  4. Next, place the batteries on the battery holder.
  5. Then, attach the red wire to the other electrical motor terminal and the black wire to the switch’s other available terminal.
  6. Test the motor circuit by switching ‘on’ the switch. The motor is to push the boat forward.
  7. Later, use the corrugated plastic to make the boat’s propeller.
  8. Finally, attach the propeller to the motor.
  9. After finished assembling, test the boat’s functionality by placing it on the water surface.

What’s Going On?

1.  Electricity
  • An electric circuit consists of a power source, wires and other   components such as the switch and motor.
  • To build a boat, electrical components involved are dry cell (batteries), wires, switch and motor. The electric circuit connection is as shown in the diagram below:

  • Battery is used as the source of electricity for the boat to move. The higher the voltage of battery used, the faster the boat can travel.

2. Balance 
  • Balance is an ability of an object to maintain the center of gravity
  • Based on the diagram above, which boat do you think is the most stable?

 3. Energy 

                  Chemical energy     Electrical energy      Kinetic energy
  • Energy can be transformed into another form, but the total energy always remains the same. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for this very useful info you have provided us. I will bookmark this for future reference and refer it to my friends. More power to your blog.

